Get FREE Stuff from BzzAgent!
Have you heard about BzzAgent?! If you are into Freebie Finding then you may already be a member. If you are not a member there is no better time then now to get signed up and start racking up your BzzScore! BzzAgent has been pumping out the freebies like crazy lately!
BzzAgent is a social product testing site. When you sign up to become a BzzAgent you will get special perks. You will be invited to participate in BzzCampaigns and will have the opportunity to test products for FREE! BzzCampaigns are based on your profile, survey answers, and your BzzScore.
Your BzzScore is a ranking system that represents how well you're doing as a BzzAgent. This score will change based on how active you are as a BzzAgent and how influential you are. So the higher your score is the higher your chances are that you will be invited to campaigns when they become available.
The best way to keep your BzzScore high is to keep up on your surveys. Do as many surveys as you can. Invites are based on your answers to the surveys. Be sure to connect all of your social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, ect.) A good BzzAgent needs to be able to Bzz about products! Be sure to complete activities and when you get invites don't forget to report back with your review about the products.
Each campaign will have different activities, so be sure to check your BzzAgent account regularly. Remember that the more effort that you put into your reviews and submissions the higher your BzzScore will be. Be as descriptive as possible in your posts. Click Here to sign up to become a BzzAgent!
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